Hagley Road West, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 1AJ

Part of the Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (BDMAT)
Registered Office for Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust and BDMAT Central Office: Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy, Daleview Road, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, England, B14 4HN

0121 675 4422

Quinton Church Primary School

Fullness of life for all, through working together with the love of Christ

Our Governors

Structure and responsibilities of the committees

Due to the school becoming part of the Birmingham Diocese Multi Academy Trust (BDMAT), the governing body will meet termly as a full governing body and not split into committees as previously done.


Paul Bridges. (Chair of Governors)

As a parent with children at the wonderful QCPS, I care deeply about how successful my children, your children and the school can be. I have worked in a C of E school and know how important values and compassion are in a child's education. Currently I am a leader at a primary school in Birmingham with responsibility for the broader curriculum, reading, pastoral care and computing, I have worked on boards and governing committees, inside and outside the education sector, to drive up standards and performance and create the best environment for success. 


Rob Jennings. 

I am Co-opted governor, originally elected as a parent governor in 2012 and have held Vice Chair roles of former sub committees as well as Vice Chair and, until recently, Chair roles of our Governing Body.  I am very proud to be able to continue supporting our school in a governing capacity.  I have two children, our youngest still attends Quinton Church Primary, with our eldest moving from Quinton Church Primary into secondary education in September 2019. children.


Reverend Andrew Wells.

I am a Foundation Governor and curate at Christchurch. For 36 years I was a Secondary School teacher and still do primary supply teaching when required. I see my role as being to support the whole school community and encourage the Christian ethos of the school.


Alison Leonard.

My current role at Quinton is the Assistant Head Teacher and SENCo. I am a co-opted staff governor and have been part of the governing body since the Spring term 2020. I have 20 Years teaching experience and joined Quinton as a class teacher in September 2014, after working in an inner-city school for 14 years. I am lucky to live in the Quinton community and I am proud of being part of the Quinton family; my own children attended QCPS and absolutely loved it, thriving in a friendly supportive environment. Outside of school I enjoy crafting, reading and walking.



Carl Watkins. 

As Headteacher I am a co-opted governor and have been part of the governing body since July 2019. I joined Quinton as AHT in September 2017 and previous to that I worked at a number of local Sandwell schools. At my previous school I was staff governor for four years. Outside of school I enjoy running, hill walking and spending time with the family.


Rev Rachel Heathfield 

Rev Rachel Heathfield is Vicar at Christ Church Quinton and is proud to be a partner with and governor for Quinton Primary School. She spends a lot of time in school and loves to open up the church building for the children at school to come and visit as often as possible. She sees communicating the Christian faith through stories and activities as one of her priorities in this role.


Julie Reed

 I am a foundation Governor.  I have been a member of Christ Church the Quinton for nearly 25 years. I have had two children that attended the school. I am interested in the continuing synergy between the church and school. The school is a vital part of the community I live in. Plus, I believe that safeguarding is important so that children feel and are safe in a school environment.

Sarah Lal 

I’m a mum of two children who attend QCPS, and have been appointed as a co-opted governor.  I am very passionate about improving the quality of life for young children and volunteer my time towards this cause frequently. I am a youth leader at my local church, and I also sit on the Governing Board of another local school near Quinton. I have a wealth of experience in Board roles working within the education and government sectors as a HR Director. I am also a firm believer that education unlocks potential, so pursued masters and bachelors degrees from the University of Birmingham in business and economics;  these skills will be utilised in my role as a Governor at QCPS, where I will support the Head Teacher, senior leaders and other Governors to ensure we provide the best quality of education and experiences for children.


Andrea Smith

currently work as a primary school teacher with over 20 years experience. I have held varying leadership roles and also as a parent governor. I am currently leading PSHE/SMSC and Religious education whilst teaching in Key stage 2. I bring with me a wealth of teaching and learning experiences and a personal passion for education.  The Christian values and ethos at Quinton Church Primary are very important to me and my family both morally and spiritually. I live in Quinton and will wholeheartedly utilise the opportunity to contribute as part of the wider community to the continuing successful journey at Quinton Church Primary. 


Governor Information

Pecuniary Interest Information


Attendance of Governor Meeting 2021-2022.

Attendance of Governor meetings 2020-2021.

Attendance of Governor meetings 2019-2020.